GLASS WORKS: The Art of Collaboration and Response (Webinar)

May 31, 2020 on Zoom

With Judith Schaechter, Jessica Marten, Jonathan Russell, Jung Sun Kang, Andrea Mazzariello, Edie Hill, fivebyfive musicians, moderated by Mona Seghatoleslami


Glass Works: The Art of Collaboration and Response brought together Judith Schaechter, composers Edie Hill, Jung Sun Kang, Andrea Mazzariello and Jon Russell, Memorial Art Gallery curator Jessica Marten, and fivebyfive musicians, moderated by Mona S…

Glass Works: The Art of Collaboration and Response brought together Judith Schaechter, composers Edie Hill, Jung Sun Kang, Andrea Mazzariello and Jon Russell, Memorial Art Gallery curator Jessica Marten, and fivebyfive musicians, moderated by Mona Seghatoleslami of WXXI.

Thank you to everyone for this wonderful art, for this amazing music, and for this fascinating conversation.

I love the innovative integration and collaboration between artist, composers and musicians! It truly expresses the individual interpretation of the art, and it’s expression musically via different musicians. Inspiration at it’s best! Thanks!
- Madeline

Both Judith’s work and fivebyfive’s music are stunning. Thank you all for the incredible work you do.